Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care for Children

Yes, even children can benefit from chiropractic care. That's why Dr. Phillips offers chiropractic care for children in his family practice in the San Antonio area.


Why Your Kids Might Require a Pediatric Chiropractor

According to the American Medical Association, 11 percent of chiropractic patients are under age 18. It's no wonder. No one is more active than a child. Children spend their days running, jumping, climbing, falling, and otherwise jarring their musculoskeletal systems. Fortunately, their young and flexible bodies can absorb the kind of physical punishment that might result in painful injury to many adults.

However, even children can overdo physical activity and require chiropractic care.  Organized sports can also cause injury, and some kids play two or three or more sports over the course of a year. Not to mention skateboards and bikes.

Our under-18 patients see us for many of the same conditions for which adults require a chiropractor. These disorders include back and neck pain, stiffness that limits head and neck mobility, stooped shoulders, and poor posture.

Even Babies Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Your infant has already been through a lot. The physical trauma of childbirth or even prenatal conditions can result in musculoskeletal issues that can make babies fussy and affect normal growth and development.

Your Pediatric Chiropractor Can Deliver Proactive Benefits Too

Consider making pediatric care for children a part of your kids’ regular healthcare exams, even if they don't present with immediate needs. There are many proactive advantages to routine chiropractic care. A pediatric chiropractor can help kids speed up their injury recovery time, improve athletic performance, among many other benefits.

Chiropractic Care for Children Is Gentle

Those who are aware of the way chiropractors administer spinal adjustments to adults might wince at the thought of the same course of treatment given to their kids or even infants. Fortunately, your pediatric chiropractor understands that pediatric care must be delivered in a much gentler manner.

Chiropractic care for children is safe and pain-free. Your child will experience only the multiple benefits.  

Schedule Your Child's Appointment Today

As a licensed chiropractor in family practice, Dr. Phillips and his team have addressed the chiropractic concerns of children and even infants for years. Let's meet and discuss how we might enhance the health and well-being of your child.

To schedule an appointment, call Dr. Phillips Chiropractic at (210) 545-1144. Or request an appointment online. You'll find us conveniently located in the La Arcata Center at 1604 and Stone Oak Parkway in San Antonio.


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