Massage Therapy in San Antonio

At Dr. Philips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, we offer chiropractic massage therapy, amongst other treatments, to our patients. Massage therapy is perfect for treating pain and soreness from a variety of different conditions, especially back and neck problems. These conditions can be very painful, and traditional physicians sometimes struggle to treat them. Often, they will simply prescribe opiates. Massage therapy at our San Antonio office can be an effective alternative or supplement to traditional treatment. Read on to learn more about chiropractic massage therapy.


Differences Between Massage Therapies

There are several important differences between regular massages that you can get anywhere and massage therapy in a doctor's office. Regular massages may feel good, but they may offer little in the way of long lasting therapeutic benefits. Dr. Philips can help the massage therapist target specific areas with advanced techniques to attack specific problem sites. This treatment still feels good at the time, but it also offers long-lasting benefits in breaking up scar tissue and help reducing adhesions.

Benefits of Chiropractic Massage Therapy

Chiropractic massage therapy offers several highly desirable benefits. First, specific targeted massage therapy can offer long-lasting pain relief, not simply short-term pain relief. Massage therapy at our San Antonio office can even help our patients heal faster from various muscular conditions. This requires not only advanced massage techniques but also chiropractic adjustments. Some patients who come to us for massage therapy have never tried it before and may be a little skeptical, but the effectiveness of chiropractic and massage therapy together is a great combination. Read on to learn how to make an appointment for massage therapy.

Make an Appointment with Our Chiropractor in San Antonio

Here at Dr. Philips Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness in San Antonio, we offer specialized chiropractic massage therapy to our patients. While this is one of our most effective and popular modes of treatment, we offer a full range of chiropractic services. Dr. Philips is a highly experienced and skilled chiropractor who has had experience treating various conditions. If you need chiropractic massage therapy or any of the other treatments we offer, you simply need to make an appointment. You can do this by calling us at (210) 545-1144 or contacting us through our website. One of our associates will happily help you find the perfect time in your busy schedule that allows you to see Dr. Philips as soon as possible.

San Antonio massage therapist


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